Rain Water Control

The Anti Filtration Overflow Relief Cap is designed to prevent extraneous surface water from entering sewer systems, preventing the inflow of up to 40% of storm water which currently enters sewage systems in rain events.

Surcharging Sewer Protection

In the event of a sewer surcharge, the cap easily pushes up allowing sewerage to spill onto the ground. After the sewer and pressure has been cleared, the cap will drop back down.

Contamination Reduction

The cap also prevents other contaminants from entering the sewerage systems such as illegal dumping and rodents.

By only allowing sewerage to be released when required, the cap also works to reduce the occurrence of sewer spills to the environment.

Slashed Treatment Costs

Use of the cap preventing contamination ensures great savings in the capital costs of providing sewage infrastructure such as flow control facilities and treatment of sewer effluent from rain water.

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